
- RLG Focus
- CAA Reviews
Henry Pisciotta, AMICO Library Testbed Participant and Penn State University Arts and Architecture Librarian, "Review of the AMICO Library", May 26, 2000
- Museums and the Web 2000, Minneapolis, MN
Jennifer Trant , Kelly Richmond and David Bearman, "Collaborative Cultural Resource Creation: the example of the Art Museum Image Consortium",
April 17, 2000 PDF version of the paper
- Coalition for Networked Information (CNI), Washington, DC
- Annual ARLIS/NA Conference, Pittsburgh, PA
- Leadership Conference on Access to Special Collections, North Carolina
- USAToday
Jeff Zillgitt, Speaking of Sports Column, February 17, 2000; mentions AMICO board member Maxwell Anderson, his museum's website, and the AMICO website.
- University of Pittsburgh, Digital Media Lecture
- California Digital Library
- AFA Directors' Forum Speech
Jennifer Trant , "Yours, Mine, or Ours: Intellectual Property Issues ", November 1999 PDF version of Speech
- University of Pittsburgh, Art History Colloquium
- ARTNews
Barbara Pollack , "Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Mouse?", October 1999; mentions AMICO and other technological innovations that are changing museums and the art experience.
- MUZEA, Kulturni Dedictivi a digitalini revoluce, Prague, Czech Republic
- Accesso Multimedia ao Partimonio Cultural, Porto, Portugal
- International Consortium of LIbrary Consortia (ICOLC)
- International Cultural Heritage Informatics Meeting - ichim99
- CIDOC/MDA, London, England
- RLG Focus
- Rochester Institute of Technology's News and Events "20,000 Art Images via Computer: RIT in Test Project", April 2, 1999
- Research Libraries Group Annual Meeting
Ricky Erway, "Access to Cultural Heritage Resources at RLG", April 1999
- Museums and the Web 1999, New Orleans, March 11-14, 1999.
- Museums and the Web 1999, New Orleans, March 11-14, 1999.
- Museums and the Web 1999, New Orleans, March 11-14, 1999.
- The San Diego Union-Tribune
Pam Dixon, "Museums Join Forces to Protect Cyber Rights to Art", January 31, 1999
- New York Cybertimes
- New Review of Information Networking
- Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) Radio
- RLG Focus
- ON Magazine
- University of Alberta Folio
- Museum Computer Network, 1998
AMICO Update: Jennifer Trant and David Bearman, AMICO
PDF of presentation slides
Members Panel: Susan Chun, Robin Dowden, Ken Hamma, and Doug Hiwiller
- RLG News
- Committee on Fair Use (CONFU), May 1998
- Visual Resources Association/Art Libraries Asociation (VRA/ARLIS), March 7, 1998
- College Art Association, Toronto, February 28, 1998
Panel Discussion by Stephanie Stebich, Cleveland Museum of Art, Peter Walsh, Davis Museum and Cultural Center, Wellesley College and Susan Chun
Final paper from the TOWN MEETING on COPYRIGHT and FAIR USE by Max Anderson
- Canadian Visual Resources Association (CVRA) Meeting, Toronto, January 27, 1998
- Coalition for Networked Information, Project Briefing, October 27, 1997
- J. Trant and D. Bearman, Archives & Museum Informatics, "The Art Museum Image Consortium: Licensing Museum Digital Documentation for Educational Use," Spectra, Fall 1997.
- Museum Computer Network Conference, session, October 18, 1997
- AMICO Meeting Report, Chicago, September 22-23, 1997
- AMICO Meeting Report, Minneapolis June 3-4, 1997
- Coalition for Networked Information, Project Briefing, April 1, 1997
Sheryl Romeo, The American Institute of Architects, and Kathe Hicks Albrecht, American University, Report to VRA membership [AMICO is the first of the Project Briefings] Handout
- Art Museum Image Consortium (A Preliminary Report), March 22, 1997
- Loy Zimmerman, California State University, Long Beach, Report to the VRA Membership on the Not-for-Profit Briefing, March 21, 1997